Here’s Tony and my second trial of producing podcast: Love in the Time of Covid! And I believe we have made decent progress from the previous episode. Tony and I actually came up with such a bizarre idea (talking about “Love” relationship) from the beginning of this semester, but “Love” is too broad for usContinue reading “Huge Leap in the Second Trial”
Following our episode from the previous week, my team and I decided we wanted this final episode to tie back to as many previous episodes as possible. In particular, we decided to expand on the theme of the importance of language that we discussed in our first episode by looking at the loss of precisionContinue reading “Never Mind, My Voice Isn’t That Bad”
My group’s final podcast of the semester can be found here. In our final podcast, we wanted to wrap-up the series a little by bringing up past podcasts in this one. Whether it be podcasts from other groups or those from our own, we tried to connect the topic that we discussed in this podcast… Continue reading Trauma… but not exactly
As the producer of this episode of “It’s Okay to Not Be Okay”, I worked together with co-producer Stella and line editor Laurie to discuss the importance of mental health in relation to sports, especially during the isolating pandemic. Compared to our previous episode (link) which had a more structured format, we decided to goContinue reading “It’s Okay to Not Be Okay: Reflection”
Yeah! Here goes Tony and my first podcast: Cook’n Covid! To collaborate on the first episode better, Tony and I did a lot preparations and discussion together to fully communicate our ideas. We made a hard decision on the And-But-Therefore structure of our script, built up a question bank to prepare for interviews, andContinue reading “First Small Step in Podcast”
The link to our podcast can be found here. For our group’s second podcast, we mainly divided the work pretty evenly among the three of us like we did last time. In other words, we all contributed equally in the planning and brainstorming process For our group’s second podcast, we mainly divided the work pretty… Continue reading Friendship over Pandemic: Balanced, as all things should be.
Link to Episode: TBD So the for this episode, we wanted to get a foreigners’ perspective to the American response to COVID-19. After all, COVID-19 is a global issue that all countries have to deal with. The United States, as one of the major powers in the world, should be adequate with deal with it,Continue reading “An International Perspective Podcast Reflection”
Starting from the beginning, we wanted to work together on coming up with the overall structure and argument for the podcast while delegating more specific tasks for each member. Laurie, the main producer, was in charge of interview Professor Yoojin while I was in charge editing and putting the podcast together. After Laurie finished theContinue reading “Language Instruction: Abroad vs. In-person Podcast Reflection”
Link to episode: TBD As the main producer for the episode, my immediate first thought for my podcast episode was that I wanted to interview a doctor who has hands-on experience with dealing with COVID-19 patients getting their perspective on the frontlines. Not the severe cases of COVID-19 like in the ICU, but the casesContinue reading “My Podcast Reflection: Trust is the Key to Vaccine Hesitancy”