Author: Crystal

Student Posts

100% Coffee 100% Me

I thought what better way to wrap up everything I learned this semester than with the drink I love the most: coffee. Especially with the finals seasons, this seems to also be very fitting. Coffee has many types with a slightly different combination of ingredients in each which is what initially inspired me to create […]

Student Posts

Language Instruction: Abroad vs. In-person Podcast Reflection

Starting from the beginning, we wanted to work together on coming up with the overall structure and argument for the podcast while delegating more specific tasks for each member. Laurie, the main producer, was in charge of interview Professor Yoojin while I was in charge editing and putting the podcast together. After Laurie finished theContinue reading “Language Instruction: Abroad vs. In-person Podcast Reflection”

Student Posts

Role of New Media in Normalizing Hidden Struggles Reflection

Even though I struggled with mental health as an athlete, I was unable to accept these feelings until seeing Simone and my teammate speak to the public about their own struggles. The transition of technology from old media to new media allows for their voices to be spread so immediately, giving me the chance toContinue reading “Role of New Media in Normalizing Hidden Struggles Reflection”

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